Alicante, SpainAs the leading IVF clinic in Spain, URvistahermosa-MHC offers the most comprehensive and personalized services as each fertility case is unique. We tailor each treatment to meet the needs of each individual — guaranteeing the best possible results through the services of the top-rated fertility and genetics unit. Over the years, we have helped patients from more than 20 countries to become parents.
IVF Clinics in Spain
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About IVF in Alicante
Highly trained reproductive endocrinologists in Alicante believe in simplifying infertility care. IVF clinics in Alicante are increasingly sought after to shed light on and provide affordable treatment for the intricacies involved with infertility.
IVF clinics in Alicante offer a serene environment for your journey. Alicante has helped thousands of patients and their partners start healthy, happy families, yet still deliver personalized care and support.
The clinics in Alicante exude model success rates while focusing on patient comfort and care. Spain offers relaxed assisted reproductive laws and allows clinics to entirely focus on what matters most—You.
IVF clinics in Alicante offer the most advanced infertility treatment options including intracytoplasmic injection of sperm (ICSI), testicular aspiration of sperms (TESE), and in-vitro fertilization (IVF).
IVF clinics in Alicante represent you and assist patients with hormonal and reproductive issues and repeated miscarriages, as well as couples needing reproductive or genetic counseling. Each clinic uses the most up-to-date methods of diagnosis and treatment, including hormonal testing, assisted reproduction techniques, microsurgery, and advanced endoscopic and laser surgery.
IVF Treatments in Alicante
IUI - Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a common fertility procedure in which sperm are washed, concentrated, and placed directly into a woman’s uterus.
Natural Cycle IVF - Good candidates for a Natural Cycle IVF are women with regular menstrual cycles or women who develop a mature follicle or follicles on their own without the use of medication.
ICSI - ICSI is an in vitro fertilization breakthrough that is used to help overcome male infertility and can be used to help when a woman's eggs cannot be easily penetrated by sperm. A single moving sperm is examined under the microscope.
IVM - IVM has established a strong presence as an effective treatment for infertile women with PCO.
Egg Donation – Egg donation IVF successfully treats women with age-related infertility, premature ovarian failure, women who are carriers of genetic diseases, and women who have had multiple failed cycles of IVF.
Sights to See in Alicante
Alicante is a booming European tourist hub long devoted to its gorgeous beaches, enjoyable climate, pulsating festivals and animated night scene.
Explore the MARQ (Archaeological Museum Alicante) located in the former prestigious Hospital de San Juan de Dios. The museum will boost your knowledge with educational collections from Palaeolithic era to the middle ages.
Visit the most significant symbol of Alicante—Castle of Santa Barbara, overlooking the sea.
Stay at the stunning Hospes Amerigo Hotel in the historical district of the “City of Light” and enjoy the heart and soul of the Mediterranean essence.
Cost of IVF in Alicante
Cost is typically the dominant factor behind whether a couple or individual seeks infertility treatment. In the UK, IVF costs £6000 (without medications and additional testing), IVF clinics in Alicante provide customized inexpensive treatments including accommodations and believe all couples should have the opportunity to build a family.
IVF clinics in Alicante provide affordable IVF treatment at approximately 40% cost savings over equivalent IVF treatments obtainable in the UK.