With our guidance and our professional fertility network throughout Spain, the possibilities are endless in creating a family.
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is the most widely used form of treatment for infertility. IVF is the process of collecting the eggs from a woman and the sperm from a man and combining them in a dish in the lab for fertilization to occur. Once fertilization has occurred the embryos are transferred back into the woman for pregnancy to occur.
IVF clinics in Spain employ state-of-the-art techniques for sperm preparation, ovarian follicle stimulation, egg retrieval, cryopreservation (freezing), micromanipulation procedures such as intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and preimplantation genetic diagnosis.
If after 12 months of regular, unprotected intercourse, a couple have been unable to conceive, it is recommended to seek help from a fertility professional. Progressively, more and more couples are turning to clinics in Spain to take advantage of advanced in vitro fertilization procedures.
Through commitment, exclusive IVF clinics in Spain seek to lead and educate patients through an ever-evolving field of reproductive medicine. By optimizing assisted reproductive technologies, Premier IVF locations, including Barcelona, Alicante, Madrid, Seville, and Marbella grants you the highest expectations of excellence to achieve the ultimate goal — a healthy baby.
Patients seeking treatment in the UK are finding that there are significant wait times to start any type of fertility treatment, which is growing longer and longer. Restrictive UK legislation means that in the case of egg donation and sperm donation, there is a major shortage of donors as there is no longer anonymity for these individuals. IVF Spain is a devoted and expert team, cost-effective procedures and most importantly — an individualized approach.
Good Candidates for IVF Spain
IVF treatments Spain centers on patients who are infertile due to one the following issues:
- absence, blockage, or irreparable damage of fallopian tubes
- male infertility
- endometriosis
- unexplained infertility
IVF can also be utilized when embryo genetic diagnosis is desirable or necessary to ensure the baby does not inherit genetic diseases from either parent. IVF also supports conception for women in their late 30s and early 40s who may not have been able to become pregnant on their own.
IVF can be an emotionally and physically draining process, it is important for patients to evaluate and understand IVF Spain treatments and discuss these procedures with an expert IVF specialist in order to confirm its suitability.
IVF Treatment Options
IVF Spain is one of the most prevalent and effective methods of achieving pregnancy because it has the highest success rate of all the infertility treatment options. IVF Spain treatment plans include:
Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
IUI is introduced as a fertility treatment for male factor infertility. IUI improves the number of sperm reaching the site of fertilization by means of the sperm bypassing the cervix, the main site of sperm antibody production. IUI is used in conjunction with fertility medication to increase its efficiency.
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
Where sperm related infertility occurs, ICSI can be used in conjunction with IVF.
This technique injects the sperm directly into the egg to assist in fertilization, achieving results unlikely with other procedures.
Egg Donation
EXCLUSIVE egg donation in Spain is an in-vitro fertilization treatment that allows couples with female infertility factors and women with poor ovarian reserve the opportunity to conceive with the aid of an egg donor.
Additional procedures often coupled with IVF include: gender selection, sperm donor IVF, and frozen embryo transfer.
Risks and Side Effects of IVF
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a fertility treatment that has been used effectively for over 30 years. IVF is completely safe and effective. Specific risk factors may vary depending on patient medical histories.
The risks associated with IVF are low, although some side effects exist.
Multiple pregnancies are common in IVF. If more than one embryo is placed in the womb as part of IVF treatment, there’s an increased chance of producing twins or triplets. This can increase the chance of developing gestational diabetes or high blood pressure.
IVF may not always achieve success on the first attempt. Treatment failure coexists with the strides and challenges of infertility. Failure to conceive through repeated IVF attempts can be a demanding and sensitive experience.
The hormones used in IVF may cause minor side effects in some patients such as headaches, nausea, vomiting, mood swings and hot flashes.
Some patients experience abdominal pain and swelling, shortage of breath and enlargement of the ovaries resulting in Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS). This may lead to the development of ovarian cysts. In rare instances, blood clots form. In more severe cases, hospitalisation is required. OHSS is more common in women under 30 and in women who have polycystic ovary syndrome. OHSS generally advances during the week following egg collection.
IVF gives you a marginally higher risk of an ectopic pregnancy, where the fertilised egg implants in the fallopian tubes rather than in the womb. This can cause vaginal bleeding or bleeding into the abdomen.
IVF can increase the age it is probable to conceive as the risk of having a child born with a genetic defect increases in women over the age of 35.
Understanding Your Role – Recovery from IVF
As you embark on the next chapter of your life with IVF in Spain, it is extremely important to understand your role in recovery.
Once the embryo transfer is completed, it is important that you rest for the day. Complete bed rest is not required, and you should be ready to return to regular activities the following day.
IVF clinics in Spain use technologically advanced techniques, this new technology allows patients to transition back into regular activities rather quickly.
Women who undergo IVF in Spain are given a strict recovery regimen of progesterone, either pills or injections, following the embryo transfer to increase the chance of implantation and lower the chance of miscarriage. A pregnancy test is scheduled 10-14 days after the embryo transfer.
Recovery time in Spain allows the chance to explore the unique culture and create memories.
Affordable Treatment Cost of IVF
While doing ample research many couples find that the cost of IVF varies significantly from clinic to clinic. The recurring discovery is that some clinics do not publish the total costs, including the fertility medications.
The high cost of fertility treatments in the UK is under scrutiny by many, and is often the reason why patients travel outside of the country to find more affordable, compassionate fertility care.
Traveling to Spain for IVF is affordable and has emerged as a top destination for IVF methods—saving up to 40-60% of the cost.
With a team of experienced physicians, nurses and embryologists, our fertility clinics in Spain strive to provide world-class care in a convenient, caring and compassionate fashion and to produce the highest pregnancy rates possible.
IVF Clinics in Spain
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